Apply for membership – January 2024 to December 2024

Three Membership Options

1. Ordinary membership
This option is for individuals (18 years and older).

Membership fee        R450.00
PSSA Levy             R 10.00  (Only applies if you are not a PSSA member.)
Total                 R460.00

2. Family membership
Two or more family members applying for membership receive a 10% discount on membership fees.

Membership fee        R405.00
PSSA Levy             R 10.00  (Only applies if you are not a PSSA member.)
Total                 R415.00

3. Associate membership
Individuals who reside more than 50km away from the Society and who cannot usually attend Society meetings.

Membership fee        R350.00
PSSA Levy             R 10.00  (Only applies if you are not a PSSA member.)
Total                 R360.00

Two ways to apply for membership

1. Print this form

Complete and mail it to the address on the form.

2. Apply online on the form provided below.

Payment via HCPS Bank Account

Your fees may be deposited into the Society’s bank account below:

Bank        : Standard Bank
Account No. : 35 584 1436
Branch Code : 057 528
Reference   : Name+Surname

Please email proof of payment back to us.

Online application form (for new members only)

Terms and conditions

      1. Membership of the Hibiscus Coast Photographic Society is open to everyone interested in the art and science of Photography.
      2. Membership is valid from 1st January to 31st December each year, after which renewal will be required.
      3. New fees will take effect from 1st January of each year.
      4. *PSSA levy (R10) only applies if you are not a PSSA member.

Please select the appropriate membership option

Please advise the Secretary of any changes to the above information.

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